Sunday, October 14, 2007

Special moments


EO said...

Well look who added some pictures! These are great Lisa! My favs are the rose and the one w/ Cocoa (sp?) coming out of the door, and Zeus in the grass, and Luke playing the water!

Oh, umm...that's all of them I guess. Anyway, these looking awesome on your page!

Lisa Allen said...

Thanks E... Andrea helped me today. I like adding new pics so you are up for a photoshoot tomorrow!

Lisa Allen said...

or at least soon...

Penny said...

I just noticed your header...Very professional with you holding the camera like that.

EO said...

Lisa, would love to do photo shoot... but I have to wait until THE EYE goes away! Still bloody and stuff!

Lisa Allen said...

eeeewwww....still?? Is that normal it has been a while, right? Oh and it is just COCO,my little girl dog.

Kim Nielsen said...

I love the doggie pics.

The Waters Family said...

OH I love your pics! I love your sweet doggie pics-- Love the texture of the door as Coco looks out. All of them are great